Zakład Maszyn Elektrycznych EMIT S.A.


Zakład Maszyn Elektrycznych EMIT S.A.  is one of leading manufacturers of three-phase electric motors and generators for high and low voltage, middle and big output on Polish market.

The company has over 100 years of experience in designing, production, service and operation of electric machines.

EMIT S.A. is a part of Cantoni Group, which is formed by domestic manufacturers of motors and electric machines as well as international sales office - Cantoni Motor.

We are the main supplier of drives for companies of fuel, power, chemical, paper, marine, mining and electromechanical industries. More than half of our products are exported to demanding foreign markets, successfully competing with products of the biggest world manufacturers.




Our main goal is to offer our clients specific technical solutions, quality assurance and proper servicing of electrical machines.

Quality of our goods and services is assured by  ISO 9001 , Polish standards PN, international  IEC , European EN and American  NEMA/CSA.

EMIT S.A. basic production programme consists of over 2500 types of electric machines, and the main groups are the following:


Induction motors (slip-ring and squirrel-cage), rated output from 55kW to 6000kW:

  • high voltage motors (10kV-11kV), output from 200kW to 6000kW;
  • medium voltage motors (3kV-6kV), output from 160kW to 6000kW;
  • low voltage motors (up to 1kV), output from 160kW to 2700kW;
  • low and High voltage slip-ring motors, output from 55kW to 2500kW;
  • explosion-proof motors, output from 90kW to 2000kW.

We also offer delivery of non-typical goods, which are not included in our catalogues, designed and executed according to our clients' requirements (i.e. motors for submersible pumps, motors for combined cutter loaders).




We also offer performing diagnostics and repairs of motors.